Marx said: the philosophers have only interpreted the world
so far, but the task is to change it. After going through the fairly long, 62
page, draft Political Resolution (PR
hereafter) to be discussed and finalized in the 20th Congress of
CPI (M), to be held in the first week of April,2004, four years after its last
Congress, which was released on 28th January by its leadership to the press, the first
impression any serious Marxist will get is that the philosophers in AKG Bhavan (the CPI(M) headquarters) have interpreted the present
situation in detail, but have not put forward any concrete ideas to change the
society they have interpreted. If one goes through the analysis they have
presented, for example the following analysis of the present world situation in
the first paragraph, there is nothing in it which is basically different from
any available Marxist-Leninist view: “The period since the 19th
Congress has seen the unfolding of the biggest economic crisis in the
capitalist world since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The crisis is a
direct outcome of the neo-liberal capitalist trajectory driven by international
finance capital. This prolonged crisis points to the unsustainability of
finance capital driven globalization”. But what is to be done against it by the
working class and the international communist movement [let it be stated in the beginning itself that in the entire document
presented to the Congress of the CPI(M) which calls itself a Communist Party
(Marxist), the usages like international communist movement(ICM) and
proletarian internationalism are conspicuously absent-kn] against this
epochal development, when the imperialist system and its international finance
capital driven globalization is in such a severe crisis creating extremely
favorable condition for the advance of the revolutionary forces at
international level? It is summarized in para.1.2 as follows: “Resisting
imperialist hegemony and building progressive alternatives to the neo-liberal
order comprises the main challenge today before the left and progressive forces
worldwide”. By reading this one is reminded of the call of the World Social Forum, the international
carnival of the NGOs, in organizing which at Mumbai in 2004 the CPI (M) leaders
also were in the forefront, that there are ‘many alternatives to imperialism’.
The CPI(M) leaders are not only not calling on their party to get prepared to
make revolutionary advances utilizing this favorable objective world situation,
they have even minimized the task of the world proletariat to “resisting
imperialist hegemony and building progressive alternatives”. This stale and
reformist beginning sets the tone for the whole document which is supposed to
give the political orientation for the CPI (M) for the coming years.
Analysis of
International Situation Omits Proletarian Internationalism.
There were newspaper reports that this time both CPI and CPI
(M) are not inviting delegations of parties from outside the country to their
Party Congresses. Whether it is a fact or not, the PR of the CPI (M) has
conspicuously omitted the usage of proletarian
internationalism and international
communist movement from it. It is explaining in detail in the 14-page long
International section the intensifying crisis of the international finance
capital system and its consequences on the one hand, and the resistances to it
from the working class and people of the oppressed countries, which it prefers
to call developing countries like the
imperialist agencies call them. It is dealing with the mass uprisings in North
African and West Asian countries and has explained the Occupy Wall Street Movement which spread to most of the US cities
and to more than 80 countries all over the world in response to the
consequences of the neo-liberal policies in the life of the masses and their
devastating effects on the nature. But what is missing in these explanations is
a class approach to these developments and the sharpness natural to an analysis
made by a revolutionary party about the development of the class struggle at
the international level in the present objective situation. As an example, the
invitation extended to the major
‘emerging economies’ like India, Brazil and China, as explained in the PR,
to G-20 is explained as the G-8 was ‘proved unequal to the task’. While the
inclusion of China, which though CPI (M) calls socialist is really a major
imperialist country (‘socialism in words
and imperialism in action, a social imperialist country’), along with India
and Brazil which are ‘junior partners of imperialism’ in the same group is
contrary to Marxist- Leninist approach, the glaring fact that this invitation
is an imperialist maneuver to overcome its crisis is not explained.
Another word missing in the whole document is
‘neo-colonialism’, the new phase of imperialist plunder after the Second World
War. As a result, the PR fails to explain how the imperialist penetration in
new forms including the corporatization of the agricultural sector etc is taking
place. As the ICM had explained in the past, if the Marxist-Leninist parties categorically
analyze one of the major contradictions in the world today as the contradiction
between imperialism and the oppressed nations and peoples and that in the
present world situation it is the principal contradiction determining the
future of world revolution, CPI(M)’s PR explains this contradiction as:”the
effort by imperialism to maintain its hegemony and to rely on the ruling
classes of the developing countries, which is bound to intensify the contradiction
between imperialism and the people of the developing countries”(p-6).
Though the document has mentioned China, Vietnam, North
Korea and Cuba as socialist countries, the PR does not dare to project them as
a socialist camp as in the past or to explain what these socialist countries
are doing to fight back the neo-liberal offensive of the imperialist camp led
by US imperialism, as it used to do in the past documents. Similarly, unlike in
the past its defense of these countries is comparatively very weak. For
example, though the PR states that China has achieved rapid economic growth, it
is compelled to state that: “it is accompanied by widening inequalities-in
terms of income and wealth distribution, regional and social development, rise
in corruption and the resultant tensions”(p-11). While later criticizing the
foreign policy followed by the UPA government of India, it is stated that by
abstaining on the resolution on Libya in Security
Council amounted to giving support to the brazen NATO and Western intervention
there, it is concealing that China, which has veto powers, also abstained not
only in this case but also when the US -managed resolution on Iraq got approved
in the Security Council, leading to brutal attack there. While explaining about
Vietnam as a socialist country the only positive factor about it is that ‘it
has made progress in reduction of poverty’. DPRK’s only virtue is that it is
‘rebuffing the various efforts by the US and its allies to isolate it’. As far
as Cuba is concerned “it has successfully rallied the Latin American countries
across the board to counter the US blockade and embargo”. Among these, even if the DPRK and Cuba are given
credit for their anti- imperialist stand, China and Vietnam are brazenly
pursuing the neo-liberal policies and have made many compromises with the US
imperialists. China is not pursuing socialism, but ‘neo-liberalism with Chinese
characteristics’, colluding and contending with US for world hegemony. Even the PR of the CPI (M) has nothing to
state about the contribution of China towards socialist transformation in its
own country or any contributions to fight back the counter revolutionary
offensive of US led imperialist forces. During the last decade when the US and
its allies were launching repeated aggressions against oppressed countries,
especially in West Asia, China was just an onlooker and it did not take a stand
against them even once.
The interesting thing is that even after mentioning about
the existence of a few socialist countries, the PR could not give any credit to
them even for “posing an alternative to the neo-liberal globalization”. On the
contrary, it is the left governments in the Latin American countries like
Venezuela and Bolivia are upheld by the PR for it. At the same time, in the
absence of a Marxist-Leninist approach, the PR exaggerates the developments in
the Latin American region and even calls them “a clear break from US hegemony
in the region”(p-11). By making such a statement, it is going from one extreme
to another.
Climatic Change.
Though the PR, after pointing out how the 19th
Party Congress had pointed out the threat posed by climate change, goes on to
explain how it has become more serious and how the US and other imperialist
forces are trying to subvert all the moves to overcome it, is contended by
stating that: “India needs to rework its climate change position to make equity
a central plank in negotiating for a future globally binding arrangement”(p-13).
Even after Fukushima meltdown, on nuclear policy what it has to say is
“immediate halt to import of nuclear power plants to Jaitapur and other
locations. Existing nuclear power plants in India should undergo thorough
safety review to be conducted by an independent body. There has to be an
independent and autonomous nuclear safety regulatory authority”(p-37). It shows
that in spite of the nuclear and ecological catastrophe confronting the
humankind, CPI (M) cannot go beyond reformist positions to seek an answer to
Compare it with the stand taken by the CPI (ML). The Party
Program adopted by the Ninth Congress of the Party held in November, 2011,
states: “..during this period, especially after the crisis of the 1970s, with
the mad rush for the exploitation of natural and human resources utilizing the
unprecedented technological advances under the imperialist perspective of
development, ever intensifying ecological devastation has started becoming a
major factor both at international and national level. It has given rise to a
new, fifth major contradiction at both levels, the contradiction between
capital and nature, along with the other four major contradictions”[P-68, Basic Documents of the CPI(ML)]. The
CPI(ML) has called for a sustainable, people oriented development policy against
imperialist dictated development policy to combat global warming and the
devastation caused by it. As a part of it in the context of Fukushima meltdown,
it has become part of an international initiative against nuclear power policy
with the slogans: stop all new nuclear
power plants, close down all existing nuclear power plants, and intensify
struggle for universal nuclear disarmament. The CPI (M) lacks any radical
perspective to combat the nuclear and ecological catastrophe, and it is
reflected in the reformist positions it has put forward in its PR, when even
the social democratic parties in Europe are shutting down nuclear power plants
accepting the growing demands of people.
As this PR is the most important political document to be
adopted by the 20th Congress, it is supposed to give the strategic
orientation and tactical approach to the Party for the coming years, including
its perspective about the future of the ICM and unity of the communist forces
at international level to advance along the path of throwing out the
imperialist system. Though the PR tries to make a descriptive analysis of the
imperialist threats, it is silent about overthrowing the imperialist system and
achieving socialism as its alternative. It has no perspective of world proletarian
socialist revolution, as the PR reflects. It does not uphold the call of Marx
and Engels, Workers of the world, Unite,
and it is totally silent about achieving it. Was the formation of First, Second
and Third (Communist) Internationals were correct or wrong? If it was correct,
how to analyze the dissolution of Comintern in 1943, and how to reorganize it.
These are cardinal problems before the ICM. The PR is deafeningly silent on
these questions. In this way it is reducing itself to a nationalist party, or
national chauvinist party bereft of proletarian internationalist concept.
We are
quoting the following paragraphs from the PR adopted by the Ninth Congress of
the CPI(ML) to show the paramount importance of initiating the reorganization
of the Communist International according to present conditions, and to show the
qualitative difference between the international perspective of CPI(M) and the CPI(ML):
“From the
time the capitalist system emerged and it started recreating the world under
its own image, the contradiction between capital and nature had taken
antagonistic forms, though it remained subdued for a long time. But this situation
is fast changing with global warming and nuclear catastrophe like factors
coming to the forefront. Today this contradiction has emerged as one of the
major contradictions determining the future of humankind. It has made the
necessity for overthrowing the rule of capital to save the humanity more
“All these have led to the contradiction
between the imperialist system and socialist forces becoming more intensified
than ever. Imperialist barbarism or socialism is the challenge before
the humankind today.
is in this context the great significance of the founding of the International
Coordination of the Revolutionary Parties and Organizations (ICOR) should be evaluated.
Its Founding Document stated: “The founding of the ICOR follows from the
understanding: The time is ripe to counter highly organized, globally linked
international finance capital and its imperialist world system with something
new - the organized power of the international revolutionary and working-class
movement and of the broad masses in a new stage of the cross-border cooperation
and coordination of the practical activity.
with its system of neo-colonialism can further exist only in a developing
proneness to crisis which dramatically calls into question the existence of
humankind. It is expressed in the world economic and financial crisis 2008, the
structural crises of the capitalist system of production and reproduction, the
debt crises, the global environmental crisis, the growing absence of family of
the proletariat and the broad masses, the political crises, but also in the
growing international threat of war, the increasing imperialist aggressions,
and in the general tendency of imperialism to reaction and fascism.
“Capitalism has
no future to offer to the working class and the broad masses of people in the
world. Therefore, the ICOR calls upon all revolutionaries of the world to join
together in the spirit of the words of Lenin: “Disunited, the workers are
nothing. United, they are everything.” (Lenin, 1913, “Working-Class Unity”)
“The ICOR takes
up the achievements of the internationally organized revolutionary and
working-class movement. That includes the great revolutionary action of the
Paris Commune in 1871, the victorious Russian October Revolution in 1917, the
Chinese revolution 1945 to 1949, the revolutionary struggle of liberation for
the destruction of the old colonial system and the emergence of the socialist camp
after the Second World War.
is based on the rich experiences of historical examples of international forms
of organization like the First, Second and Third International. It takes into
account today’s circumstances, necessities and possibilities for such a union.
It puts into practice the great revolutionary slogan of Karl Marx, “Workers
of all countries, unite!” as well as the one of Lenin, “Workers of all
countries and oppressed peoples, unite!” The founding of ICOR is the result
of more than three decades of struggle by the Marxist-Leninist forces against
the erroneous tendencies which were obstructing the reorganization of the
Communist International, which were weakening the spirit of proletarian
internationalism. It is a first step towards deepening the ideological struggle
in the ICM in order to develop a General Line For The World Proletarian
Socialist Revolution according to the concrete condition today, in
continuation to the general line put forward by the Communist International
under Lenin’s leadership and the Proposal
Concerning the General Line of the ICM put forward by the CPC during the Great Debate under the leadership of Mao
Tsetung. It has created favorable atmosphere for developing solidarity actions
at international level and to advance towards reorganization of the Communist
International. Our Party should be prepared to take initiative at all times to
carry forward the tasks of the ICOR to the best off our abilities always.”What
is absent in the PR of CPI(M) is such an approach put forward by the CPI(ML) in
its Political Resolution.
Analysis of Indian
situation and approach to People’s Democratic revolution.
The CPI(M) is holding the 20th Congress after
four years. That is, when it held its 19th Congress in March-April,
2008, the LF led by it had more than 50 MPs in the Lok Sabha and it was
wielding immense importance as a significant force keeping the UPA government
in power. Also it was leading the LF and LDF governments in Bengal and Kerala.
In 2009 elections its strength got reduced to its lowest position in the Lok
Sabha, and in 2011 elections it was defeated in both Bengal, where it was continuously
in power for 34 years and in Kerala. Besides, its influence in the Hindi region
and in many other states got reduced during this period. The PR do not give any
serious analysis of the reasons for these set backs. Besides the PR do not make
any evaluation of the efforts, if any, it had made during the last four years
to carry forward the tasks of the People’s Democratic Revolution (PDR). Similarly, it does not mention even once what are the tasks to be taken
up in the coming years in this direction. The PDR word itself is conspicuous by
its absence in the whole document.
The PR states that the 19th Congress had
concluded that the UPA government in the main was pursuing policies for the
benefit of big business and foreign capital.
Still, it decided to continue extending support to the government, while
adopting an independent position! Later it states: “The UPA-II government has
been pursuing the same economic policies that it pursued in the first term, but
more aggressively. The three year period of the UPA-II government has been
marked by: (1) relentless price rise of essential commodities, (2) massive high
level corruption which began in the UPA-I term, (3) continuance of the pro-US
policy and strategic alliance with US, (4) the working class, peasantry and
other sections of the working people continue to suffer from intense
exploitation and deprivation”. Anyone, expect the most slavish supporters of
the leadership, would like to ask for an explanation for supporting an
arch-reactionary government of US agents like Manmohan, Ahluvalia, Sharma,
Pranab Mukherjee and company for five long years and providing them opportunity
to come to power once again! Similarly, anyone would like to ask why the
neo-liberal policies, which you are now explaining as the basic cause of all
the miseries suffered by the people all over the country, were pursued by the
governments led by CPI (M) in the main in states like Bengal and Kerala? When
you denounce the displacement of the people for SEZs and MNCs- Corporate
projects in the PR, what explanations the leadership has for the Bengal and
Kerala governments following the same policies under various pseudo
The interesting thing is that after writing dozens of pages
against the neo-liberal policies pursued by the central and state governments which
are pauperizing the masses and devastating the nature, the PR does not site a
single example of fighting against these policies anywhere in the country. Even
after facing defeat in 2009 Lok Sabha and 2011 assembly elections, there are no
examples of it leading any struggles anywhere against these policies beyond
what is done by the ruling class parties who are in opposition. Even the joint
movements it is explaining are the joint trade union struggles led by the trade
union centres including those led by Congress and BJP like INTUC, BMS etc. None
of these joint struggles call for a reversal of the neo-liberal policies which
should be targeted primarily if the people’s interests have to be saved.
Left and democratic
platform as alternative.
After explaining the
Indian situation the PR states that “only a left and democratic platform can be
the alternative to the bourgeois-landlord rule”. Immediately afterwards it
states that “ it may be necessary to rally those non-Congress, non-BJP forces
which can play a role in defense of democracy, national sovereignty, secularism
etc”! Which are these forces? Starting from the south, a few disgruntled
elements of the ruling class parties as in Kerala, AIADMK in TN, JD(S) in
Karnataka, TDP in AP, BJD in Odisha etc. Are any of these parties fit in to the
above mentioned qualities? It means that though many things are explained to
hoodwink the masses in the PR, what is put forward in this is nothing but the
old, stale wine in a new bottle.
The PR as a whole shows that like proletarian
internationalism and carrying forward the tasks of World Proletarian Socialist
Revolution are bid goodbye to at international level, question of developing class struggle utilizing all forms of struggle
including parliamentary struggles in order to advance towards revolutionary
capture of political power , completing the tasks of PDR and advancing to
socialist revolution, which should be the programmatic approach of a communist
party at national level are bid goodbye to irrevocably in the PR. Or, according
to this PR, the CPI(M) is going to take a leave from revolutionary tasks, as it
was enjoying this leave so far from the time of its formation in 1964, till the
next Party Congress.
At the same time, as it is stated in the PR that “the task
ahead is to fight against the whole gamut of neo-liberal policies by building a
left and democratic platform”, one would like to ask for the information of
those of its followers who still think that it is a communist party, and that
it will lead them to people’s democracy and socialism, whether the CPI(M)
leadership is prepared for uniting all the genuine left and democratic forces
in the country based on the following program, an approach derived from what is
repeatedly explained by it in the PR:
Oppose the whole gamut of neo-liberal policies
and imperialist globalization-liberalization-privatization, throw out IMF-World
Bank-WTO- MNCs and all other imperialist agencies from the country. Oppose
SEZs, Build-Operate-Transfer projects under public-private-partnership.
Fight all displacements for neo-liberal
projects, confiscate all land under custody of land mafias, big landlords,
corporate houses. Implement land reforms based on land to the tiller. Initiate
countrywide movement for land capture and distribution to landless and poor
peasants. Develop agriculture and irrigation and ensure food security.
Fight against FDI, MNCs and corporate houses
entering retail trade. Bring the procurement of food grains, storing and whole
sale trade under government agencies. Implement universal public distribution
system(PDS) of food and essential items. Fight price rise. Throw out MNCs and
Corporate houses from core sectors and nationalize them.
Ensure food, housing, healthcare, education and
employment for all. Stop commercialization and trade in education and other
service sectors.
Confiscate all black money from foreign banks
and other places where they are invested. Stop corruption in all fields.
Institute necessary institutions like Lokpals and Lokayuktas with full powers
for this.
Struggle for need based wages, job security, and
democratic-trade union rights to all workers. Stop contract and casual labor
Scrap all unequal treaties signed with
imperialist countries. Pursue an independent and anti-imperialist foreign
policy. Ensure friendly relations with all neighbouring countries.
Strive for building an anti-caste movement for
annihilation of caste system. Ensure secularism, separating religion from all
public fields. Implement adivasis’ land protection act and autonomous councils.
Stop communalization and ensure protection of minorities.
Fight all forms of gender discrimination. Ensure
women’s equality in all fields. Ensure protection of children.
Withdraw military and AFSPA like black laws from
Jammu& Kashmir and Northeast. Scrap all black laws. Implement election
reforms including proportional representation, right to reject all candidates
and democratization of the electoral rules and procedures putting an end to
cast-communal vote banks and money-muzzle power.
Fight imperialist promoted development policies
and work for a people oriented sustainable development policy which ensure
right of people and protection of environment.
A communist party convenes its highest democratic body, the
Party Congress, to make periodic check the progress in the implementation of
its Programmatic approach for establishing proletarian political power, to make
necessary development in the program according to the changes taking place in
the society and put forward the tactical line to achieve the strategic goals of
revolution. The PR and all other draft documents put forward by the CPI (M)
leadership should be examined with this outlook. Then it will become clear to
all of its members and supporters who consider it still as a communist party
that it has degenerated to social democratic positions outrightly. Otherwise,
instead of continuing the present party building and united front policies its
leadership should be compelled to go for them based on revolutionary agenda,
not on reformist and opportunist gimmicks as it was doing so far.