Monday, April 30, 2012

Observe May Day with Revolutionary Spirit and Orientation

THE MAY DAY, the international working class day, is observed this year when the all round attacks on them in all fields are intensified by the forces of capital, thereby further sharpening the contradiction between labour and capital to unprecedented levels. Today there is not a single country in the world where this contradiction is not getting manifested in one way or other. In India the mighty general strike of tens of millions of workers on 28th February, irrespective of the reformist character of the leaderships of the trade union centres leading them, had revealed the potential of this vanguard class once they are politicized and mobilized. At many industrial centres across the country including the new centres like Gurgaon and Noida near Delhi repeated militant struggles are taking place for their basic rights.
This is the situation around the world also. Especially in Greece and in other capitalist countries including the US, millions of workers are coming out in struggles paralyzing the economies there. So if the international finance capital is intensifying its most barbarous attacks on the working class, the workers are also strengthening their resistance struggles which are sometimes spilling over to militant offensives against the capitalist imperialist forces and their lackeys.
It is high time the communist forces recognize the potentialities inherent in this newly emerging situation, when the working class is becoming more politicized, mobilized and joining numerous struggles against their class enemy. The revolutionary opportunities created by the increasingly favourable objective situation become brighter if the unity of the working class can be strengthened further and they are increasingly transformed in to a ‘class for itself’ through continuous politicization. May Day is not a day for celebrations today as the working class has very little left to celebrate. It is a day for pledging to carry forward the struggle to overthrow the rule of imperialists and their lackeys. For this the working class should get mobilized and politically educated to shoulder this task. The challenge confronting the communist forces is to help the working class to prepare themselves for the historic struggles of coming days. While observing the May Day let us resolve to vigorously carry forward this task.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Make Anti-Caste Movement a great success.

The Preparatory Committee for the Anti-Caste Movement with Anti-Cast Organization, New Democratic Party of India, AINUS-Mulpravah and CPI(ML) as its constituents and  com.Jayprakash, Adv. Arun Maji  and com. Brijbihari as its co-conveners has intensified the campaign to make the two day seminar at Garhwal Bhavan ( near Jhandewalan metro station) 20-21 April on various aspects of the caste question and the need for building an anti-caste movement with the objective of abolition of the caste system, and the one-day convention of forces dedicated to build a countrywide anti caste movement on 22 April a great success. The Preparatory Committee appeals to all those organizations and individuals who are working with this objective to send their papers and suggestions latest by 10th April so that it can be circulated to all participants. About 250 delegates from almost 15 or more states are expected to participate in the seminar. On 22nd April representatives from organizations which are prepared to join hands and form a platform of Anti-Caste Movement shall assemble at the same place to chalk out the organizational and campaign-agitation tasks. All interested forces are requested to contact the Co-Conveners at their following numbers:  com Jayprakash-09811484817; Adv. Arun Maji-09582529401; com. Brijbihari- 09648946426.

Proposal from the Convening Committee adopted by the Asian Agricultural Conference

Proposal from the Convening Committee adopted by the Asian Agricultural Conference
The Asian Agricultural Conference organized by the Convening Committee, composed of the All India Krantikari Kisan Sabha (AIKKS), All Nepal Peasant Association (ANPA) and Bangladesh Krishak Samiti (BKS) on 1st to 3rd April at New Delhi has created much revolutionary enthusiasm among the various organizations and delegates who participated in it. The papers presented and the deliberations, debates and discussion which has taken place during the three-day Conference on the theme identified have made it clear that in spite of differences on  ideological persuasions, it is possible for the peasant activists and organizations of Asia to come together and debate on the crisis confronting agrarian sector in this part of the world. It is definitely a significant step forward in the direction of arriving at a concrete understanding of the agrarian situation in Asia, which will enable us to arrive at practical steps in the direction of resolving the problem in the coming days.
In this context, in the concluding session of the Conference, the following proposals put forward by the Convening Committee in order to nurture and carry forward these efforts further were adopted unanimously:
1.The activities of the Convening Committee shall be continued and expanded grasping the experience it has gathered while convening this Conference and during the course of the actual Conference including other like-minded organizations also in the effort from the countries which already participated and from as many countries as possible from the continent..
2. As a follow up action, the Convening Committee shall compile and publish all the papers, presentations, discussions and opinions presented to the Conference as early as possible.
3. The Convening Committee shall take up the task of organizing a larger Conference in the near future ensuring the participation of more organizations from the Asia-Pacific region with the perspective of taking practical initiatives and putting forward an alternative, people oriented path of development against the imperialist path of development which is increasingly pauperizing the peasant masses and devastating, the nature in the direction of resolving the agrarian crisis.
Com.R.Manasayya, Co-Convener, General Secretary, AIKKS (India),
Com. Bharat Bhandari, Co-Convener, President, ANPA (Nepal),
Com. Sajjad Zahir, General Secretary, BKS (Bangladesh).,

Press Statement
Asian Agricultural Conference successfully concluded.
The Asian Agricultural Conference inaugurated by com.K.N.Ramachandran, General Secretary, CPI(ML) on 1st April, began with the first session at 10 am discussing the perspective of the Conference which include  an attempt to make concrete analysis of the Agrarian Scene in Asia and the orientation to be developed for its people oriented transformation. 120 delegates including representatives of peasant organizations from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Philippines, agronomists, agricultural scientists and Marxist scholars along with two comrades from MLP of Germany participated all through the three day Conference. In the Second Session in the afternoon papers on the agrarian question in these countries were presented leading to an active discussion with a number of delegates participating. The papers presented by Prof.Manbahadur Khatri for All Nepal Peasant Association, Prof. Akah for Bangladesh Krishak Samithi, Prof. P.J.James for AIKKS, com.Rajesh Kumar Raju for AISKS, com.Narendra Khadka for All Nepal Peasant Organization (Revolutionary) and Dr. Ram Kavindra of Navjanavadi Lokmanch, in spite of ideological differences and theoretical positions of CPI (ML), RSP and other organizations from India, CPN (Mashal), UCPN (Maoist) and CPN(Marxist)  from Nepal, NDPF from Sri Lanka, CP of Bangladesh and CP of Philippines to whom the different agricultural organizations are linked, were emphatically pointing out the need to focus on the struggle against the neo-liberal policies and the need for a people’s centric alternative to the imperialist dictated ‘development’ which is pauperizing the masses and devastating the nature.
The third session on 2nd April morning, dealing with the Asian Agricultural Scene During the Post- Second World War period, in which Prof. K.R.Chowdhry and Sharmistha Chowdhry presented the papers, once again there was active discussion by the delegates on the various aspects of imperialist penetration in the agrarian sector including consequences of state-promoted land reforms and ‘green revolution’. In the afternoon, during the forth session, Impact of the imperialist policies on the agrarian sector was discussed after presentation of papers by com. P.N. Provint for AIKKS and Prf. K.R. Chowdhry for Prof.Prasad Rao, which focused on the neo-liberal agenda in the farm sector and how it has led to large scale peasant suicides.
In the fifth session on 3rd morning dealt with Impact of ecological changes, technological intervention and WTO policies on the agrarian sector.  Various aspects of this question were presented in the papers presented by Dr. Abdul Khader presented the paper on “Impact of climate change and imperialism: a case study of Kerala”, com. Indra Varma on “Global environmental crisis, neo-liberal trade policies and their impact on Nepal’s agricultural sector”, com. Krishna Prasad on “Agricultural practices-impact on environment and vice versa”, and com. Asit Das on “Sustinable agriculture in the age of changing climates”. The presentation of papers was followed by a lively discussion with the authors of the papers answering to the various questions raised. The unanimous opinion that emerged was that unless the neo-liberal policies under international finance capital” domination is not thrown out the catastrophic consequences of the climate change cannot be resolved.
The discussion in the concluding session was on the Approach to agrarian revolution in the present context.Com. Sankar Das presented the paper “On agrarian revolution in Asian countries”, Dr. Vijayachandran on “Development of India Agriculture: Search for an anti-imperialist and patriotic alternative” and com. Gred Zitzner of MLPD on “On the orientation of the Asian Agricultural Conference”. The papers as well as all the comrades who participated in the discussion that followed agreed that in order to arrive at a revolutionary restructuring of the society in each country the path of agrarian revolution should be pursued based on worker-peasant alliance and according to concrete conditions. All participants agreed that this Conference has created a new platform for the first time to take up this question forcefully and this effort should be continued.
Before the conclusion, com. R.Manasayya presented a proposal for discussion calling for continuing the functioning of the Convening Committee, for publication of all papers and contributions and for convening another Conference to continue the process initiated by this Conference. Representatives of all organizations and the prominent intellectuals who participated unanimously congratulated the Convening Committee for this initiative and accepted the proposal. The Asian Agricultural Conference concluded at 5.30 pm amidst an enthusiastic atmosphere with the determination to continue the process at continental level initiated by it. For the delegates who came from six countries and ten states in India it was a new experience. Thus the Conference was a big success and the Convening Committee congratulated all the participants who made it so.
R.Manasayya, Co-Convener, Convening Committee,
Asian Agricultural Conference.
4th April, 2012.