Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Transform the New Year in to an year of great revolutionary advances

Transform the New Year in to an year of great revolutionary advances

We are bidding farewell to 2011 and heralding 2012 at a critical time. Beset with unprecedented meltdown of finance capital which has reached highest levels of speculation and growing challenges to its hegemony and plunder from the world people, the imperialist system, especially US imperialism, is facing acute crisis, stagnation and inflation. In an almost similar situation of stagflation in 1970s, it had resorted to winding up of the Keynesian policies pursued hitherto and launching of imperialist globalization cum neo-liberal policies for its recovery. Now the imperialist camp and its think tanks are worried what can be the new remedy, as the very same recipe used for recovery in 1970s  has led to more severe stagflation at global level presently. The US led barbarous military offensives in West Asia and North Africa during the last decade also did not yield the desired results and the US and its allies are being forced to make ignominious withdrawals from these countries. Side by side the resistance struggle of the proletariat and the oppressed peoples are throwing more fierce challenges to the imperialists and their lackeys everywhere. In short, compared to the past when the camp of reaction was celebrating the end of socialism and of class struggle, presently the world situation has become more favourable to revolutionary changes than ever.
In spite of these favourable  changes in global situation, the mighty mass upsurges in many countries  are not leading to revolutionary seizure of political power by the proletariat and the oppressed masses as the revolutionary vanguard forces everywhere are weak and are not strong enough to transform these upsurges in to proletarian revolutions. Similarly, after the dissolution of the Comintern in 1943, there were no positive efforts to reorganize the Communist International so as to develop solidarity actions of the revolutionary forces at international level and the spirit of proletarian internationalism. The great steps forward taken by the revolutionary parties to found the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations (ICOR) with revolutionary parties from more than 35 countries already becoming its members should be seen in this context. It has encouraged a number of international actions already challenging the imperialist system and its lackeys.
Within our country the comprador ruling system is facing the worst ever political-economic crisis. At this juncture, the bold initiative taken by the CPI(ML) to make a concrete analysis of the present situation when imperialism has transformed its colonial plunder to neo-colonial forms, to initiate the discussion on the ideological challenges faced by the ICM, and to make a critical analysis of the nine decades of the communist movement , especially of the post-Naxalbari decades, and to  convene its Ninth Party Congress successfully putting forward the Party Program and Path of Revolution which calls for revolutionary seizure of political power by developing countrywide people’s uprising under proletarian leadership is a significant step forward. The further advancement of the political reorganization by uniting all like minded forces and the revolutionary sections of the new generation, transforming the Party in to a mighty all India organization is the challenging task before the Marxist=Leninists. Along with this all the revolutionary and left sections and groups who aspire for a radical transformation of the country have to be brought together in a countrywide political forum to unleash countrywide struggles against the ruling system. The Ninth Congress has prepared the ground for taking up these responsibilities and for advancing class struggle In all fields. The condition is thus prepared to develop the subjective forces of revolution to utilize the favourable objective situation.
We extend revolutionary new year greetings to all the revolutionary forces and to the left masses and appeal for redoubling the efforts to make the new year really in to a year of mighty revolutionary advances.

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